Sunday, November 20, 2016


In the world of social justice activism, "live and let live" does not cut it, and "equal" does not mean "the same." 

It means acknowledging and acting on the understanding that some groups need additional protection and a leg up in order to compensate for an inherently unequal playing field.

In an ideal world, this would not be necessary except on an individual basis due to unique circumstances. No one would be treated as if they were inferior or undesirable or unwelcome on the basis of race, ethnicity or ancestry, religion, sexual-orientation, gender-identify, disability, or gender.  

But this is not an ideal world.  Such negative treatment is very real. When it takes the form of a denial of rights and privileges freely available to some (i. e those who pass some unspecified test tied to each of these categories), then you have a conflict.

By its nature, the conflict is not just a matter of divergent opinions. As evidenced through the many legislative and judicial battles that arise over figuring all of this out, it all is deeply entwined in politics.  

Is it possible to separate out issues of social justice from politics? 

Probably not.

Should we stand by and shrug it off as "just politics?"



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