Sunday, November 20, 2016


If "social justice is a verb," then we need to do more than have convictions; we need to act on them.

One thing we can do is offer financial support to organizations with the commitment and infrastructure already in place so that they can keep on fighting the good fight.  

How many of us make donations on some sporadic basis? 

Certainly, this would describe my financial support of organizations whose work I admire and appreciate.  

Until now.  

Putting my money where my mouth is, I've started to make my donations to organizations that are out there every day fighting for social justice. 

I am commiting my credit card to monthly repeats so I don't let it slip. So far, it's the Southern Poverty Law Center, and GLSEN. More to come.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is "dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry for the most vulnerable members of our society" through litigation, education, and advocacy.   

The organization is particularly focused on monitoring, reporting on, and battling against hate groups and other extremists, tracking and monitoring more than 1,600 such groups across the country. It publishes investigative reports, trains law enforcement officers, shares key intelligence, and offers expert analysis to the media and public.

For for information on SPLC's work, CLICK HERE

GLSEN stands for "Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network," although its mission has expanded since its founding in 1990 to work toward creating "safe and affirming schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression." If nothing else, its annual National School Climate Survey is a great source of information on school safety, valued for its ability to inform education policy makers and the public.  

For more information on GLSEN's work, CLICK HERE

As a word of caution, do your homework regarding any organization you are considering supporting with your dollars.  Make sure of its mission, and be aware of any questionable practices that might suggest the money it collects is not being sufficiently dedicated to fulfilling its avowed purpose. 

                       SOCIAL JUSTICE IS A VERB!

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